Adult education has a key role in solving some of the biggest challenges of our time, the new EAEA manifesto states

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Social cohesion, increased digitalisation, equality, changes in employment, high levels of migration, and sustainable development: These are just a few examples of challenges that adult education may help to solve in our society, as outlined in the updated European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) manifesto 2019: “Manifesto for Adult Learning in the 21st Century: The Power and Joy of Learning”.

In response to this manifesto, within the EC-funded ZERO_WASTE project, SITES and consortium partners are focusing on adult education towards sustainability and social-environmental awareness, as well as excessive food waste from households. Using training methodology and digital and interactive tools, professional associations and trainers will reach out to families to create family networks concerned with the topic of food waste reduction.

The project is liaising with the EAEA, which aims to convince the decision-makers about the benefits of adult education. As Gina Ebner, General Secretary of the EAEA, states: “We believe that adult learning and education need to be strengthened at the European level [..] This manifesto outlines how adult education contributes to the positive development of Europe.” 

The 2019 manifesto outlines nine opportunities and benefits of informal adult education

One driver for adult learning is a shift in demographics, whereby a growth in ageing populations means that people aspire to be active and healthy for longer. Increased digitalisation creates demands for new skills and competences for civil society, including employees, citizens, and consumers.

Moreover, in countries that have experienced significant changes in employment and offer few opportunities for retraining, we see high unemployment rates – especially among the youngest and oldest generations. Moreover, in recent years, Europe has faced higher levels of migration, which has posed significant challenges for many countries and led to divisions with supportive European citizens on the one hand and defensive or oppositional critics on the other.

Finally, there is an issue that threatens the future of every European citizen: climate change and environmental challenges. It is paramount that we adapt to create more sustainable economies, societies, and lifestyles and this requires a shift in learned behaviour and access to information.

The EAEA Manifesto outlines not only the current European challenges, but also the transformative opportunities, benefits, enjoyment, and empowerment to be derived from the informal education of adults.

2019 manifesto in English (pdf)
2019 manifesto one-pager in English (pdf)
2019 manifesto video (youtube)

About the ZERO_WASTE project

ZERO_WASTE project started in December 2020 and for the duration of 24 months will be focusing on the social inclusion of adults in rural areas and their relationship towards food waste. It has been funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, KA2 – Strategic Partnership in the field of Adult Education and is coordinated by Esciencia Eventos Cientificos in Spain with UNIZAR, SITES, SEC, PREVIFORM, FAMCP as the partners.

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