ECOSYS+ First Anniversary: Achievements and Actions

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SITES – Sustainable Innovation Technology Services, this week took part in the first Annual Meeting of the ECOSYS+ project – Egypt Innovation Ecosystem Accelerator through Agile, Smart, and Integrated innovation resource portal.

ECOSYS+ is a 30-month EuropeAid initiative funded by the EC with the aim of catalyzing inclusive growth among innovation enablers, procurers, and innovators while empowering service providers to contribute assets, resources, and targeted support to the most promising ideas. With the expert involvement of key partners from Italy, Egypt, and Ireland, ultimately ECOSYS+ aims to build capacities and technical skills needed for rapid effective growth in enterprises and start-up communities.

Image: ECOSYS+ Partners engage in strategic planning for the year ahead.

SITES main role in the project is rooted in establishing marketing and linkages through the design and deployment of an inbound marketing strategy and content marketing programme, as well as planning and implementing the project’s communication and dissemination activities. In the first year of the project, these activities have enabled ECOSYS+ partners to identify the audiences and facilitated understanding of the target audiences of the project’s marketing efforts so that messages can be crafted to resonate with them. SITES has also identified events, pain points, and triggers that will encourage target groups to search for information about ECOSYS+ services so partners can engage at their point of need and be reactive.

Image: ECOSYS+ dynamic Facebook page

SITES is also underpinning the establishment of a centre for building core competencies and skills to stimulate the growth and capacity of enterprises and entrepreneurs in technology transfer, product development, and innovation management (C3 Learning Hub). The hub will connect several existing e-learning resources, as well as develop customised modules and an online self-assessment tool.

Finally, SITES is playing a significant role in supporting the ECOSYS+ soft-landing helpdesk, which will offer accreditation and product standardization support and will benefit from access to EEN services for effective business and tech-management consultations, business planning, and roadmaps.

Managing Director of SITES, Leonardo Piccinetti, commented: “ECOSYS+ is making headway in helping to build capacities and skills that will support entrepreneurship and a sustainable and inclusive economy, increasing cooperation opportunities in innovation programs. SITES welcomes the opportunity to expedite this process.”

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