Foresight on Demand: A Window into the Future of Horizon Europe

We are living in a rapidly evolving world where breakthrough technologies, scientific advancements, and global challenges are shaping our future. Anticipating these changes and having a strategic vision is critical for policymakers, researchers, and businesses alike. With this in mind, the European Commission has released a comprehensive report titled “Foresight Towards the 2nd Strategic Plan for Horizon Europe.” The report aims to provide insights and recommendations for the upcoming strategic plan of Horizon Europe, the EU’s flagship research and innovation program.

SiTeS is partner in several Horizon projects like SMART4ENV and VALZEO. SiTeS, with its commitment to promoting scientific knowledge and fostering innovation, has embraced this opportunity to disseminate the report to a wider audience. By doing so, SiTeS aims to facilitate an informed discussion on the future of research and innovation in Europe

The Foresight on Demand report is an outcome of extensive research conducted by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, specifically the Directorate G – Common Policy Centre and Unit G1 – Common Strategy and Foresight Service. It presents a comprehensive analysis of emerging trends, potential disruptions, and societal challenges that will shape the research and innovation landscape over the next decade

The report provides valuable insights into various fields, such as Artificial Intelligence, digital transformation, climate change, health, and Sustainable Development. By offering a holistic view of these areas, it acts as a roadmap for policymakers and stakeholders to build effective strategies that address the pressing challenges of our time.

One of the key features of the Foresight on Demand report is its focus on foresight methodologies. Foresight is a systematic exploration of alternative futures, aiming to identify emerging issues, opportunities, and risks. By incorporating foresight techniques, the report helps policymakers and researchers anticipate changes, think critically, and make informed decisions.

We have been involved in numerous Horizon projects, we understand the significance of foresight in shaping research and innovation agendas. we recognize that disseminating this report will contribute to knowledge exchange and encourage collaboration among researchers, policymakers, and industry leaders. By leveraging the insights provided in the report, stakeholders can align their efforts and work towards a shared vision for the future of Horizon Europe.

We firmly believes that open access to knowledge is crucial for driving innovation and societal progress. By making the Foresight on Demand report available to its readers, SiTeS aims to empower individuals and organizations with the foresight needed to navigate the ever-changing landscape of research and innovation.

The Foresight on Demand report is a critical resource for shaping the second strategic plan for Horizon Europe. Through SiTeS’ commitment to disseminating this report, we aim to foster a collaborative environment that promotes innovation, sustainability, and societal well-being. We have been an active partner in Horizon projects, SiTeS understands the significance of foresight and aims to contribute to the advancement of research and innovation in Europe.