Kick-Off Meeting – FARMWISE Project

Lund, Sweden – January 11, 2024 – we are proud to announce our participation in the Kick-Off Meeting for the FARMWISE (Future Agricultural Resource Management and Water Innovations for a Sustainable Europe), an initiative funded by the European Union. The meeting took place on January 10 and 11, 2024, at Lund University in Sweden, and was led by Professor Sebastian Puculek from Lund University.

The FARMWISE Project unites 20 partners from 13 countries, aiming to develop innovative solutions for agriculture resource management and water conservation. 

As a partner in the FARMWISE project, we are responsible for leading the Communication and Exploitation work package. Leonardo Piccinetti, our CEO, was honored to represent the company at the Kick-Off Meeting. Leonardo conveyed his enthusiasm, stating, “Thrilled to be part of the kickoff meeting for the FARMWISE Project EU alongside other esteemed colleagues today in Lund, Sweden, we’re setting the stage for a transformative journey in European agriculture. Excited to work with a team that is not just focused on innovation, but also committed to sustainability and diversity. Here’s to shaping a future where agriculture is more efficient, environmentally friendly, and resilient to climate change”. 

The Farmwise project offers cutting-edge AI and precision agriculture techniques, collaborative efforts to enhance water quality and soil health, and strong partnerships with leading European organisations and researchers.

SITES, with a commitment to contribute technical knowledge and experience in sustainable technologies, plays a crucial role in communication and exploitation within the FARMWISE Project. We will be developing an impact strategy to influence target policies to create a long-lasting impact on the FARMWISE outputs. The company eagerly applies its expertise, fostering collaboration and innovation to drive the success of the project and work towards a more sustainable and resilient future for European agriculture
