SiTes Team Joins World Circular Economy Forum in Brussels

We are pleased to announce that our SiTes team, led by Managing Director Leonardo Piccineti and Junior Policy Researcher Alessandro, will be participating in the World Circular Economy Forum Event in Brussels, Belgium.

The world’s leading event for circular economy thinkers, doers and leaders hits Brussels this week, showcasing the most impactful circular solutions from around the world. This event serves as a platform for fostering discussions on the future trajectory of the Circular Economy and its paramount significance in today’s global landscape.

During WCEF2024, Leonardo and Alessandro will actively engage in panel discussions, workshops, and networking sessions focused on the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities within the circular economy sphere. Their participation will involve sharing insights from their research and experiences, contributing to the collective understanding of best practices and innovative approaches. Also bringing together diverse perspectives and scalable solutions.

The SQUARE convention center in Brussels will host WCEF2024 from 15 to 16 April. In addition, accelerator sessions will be held by WCEF collaborators on 17–18 April in Brussels, online and around the globe.